Balancing the body with electromagnetic pulsed frequencies.
Ondamed treatment frequencies stimulate the natural healing systems within the body. Ondamed doesn't heal things itself - it stimulates the immune cells to do what they know how to do. The body has to make new cells to do the repair process and all of these vital activities are energized by ATP. The Ondamed stimulates connective tissue also known as the extracelular matrix. This matrix is a storage place for nutrients and toxins, which are absorbed by the cells or excreted into the blood stream or lymph for removal from the body.
The patient is fully clothed and comfortable seated or reclined during the session. An applicator fits like a collar on the neck and delivers frequencies to the entire central nervous system. A hand applicator, used by the practitioner, allows the practions to deliver frequencies to small localized areas of pain or tension, and one large matrix applicator allows delivery to large areas of the body such as the abdomen or the back.
Treatments can last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes.
Helen O. Hiserman, PA-C has been performing Ondamed Therapy for many years.
BNG Aesthetics Skin & Laser Center
24 West Fourth Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
(570) 354-0420
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